Arts + Culture
Arts are essential to student life at St. John’s—both in and out of the classroom. The study of music is part of the academic Program and expands into extracurriculars through choruses, bands, and the weekly Sicut Cervus sing. Plays and poetry studied in seminar and tutorials are echoed by theater productions and literary magazines, and annual exhibitions at the on-campus Mitchell Art Museum bring world-class art and historical objects (think: Shakespeare’s First Folio) right to students. At the end of each semester, the entire campus community gathers to share their talents at Collegium, a tradition that gives students, tutors, and staff members an opportunity to show off their musical talents.
Mitchell Art Museum
A world-class art gallery, right in the middle of campus.
All the world’s a stage for the King William Players (and other Johnnie dramatists).
Music is inherent to the St. John’s Program—and to everyday Johnnie life.
Visual Arts
No matter your medium, the campus is your canvas.
Each semester, enjoy an all-campus concert featuring your friends, classmates, and tutors.
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